I don't know if you would get to read this one day, since these days it's hard to tell how much I put onto the internet will still be when you're old enough to read this. I started blogging with your brother, and tried my best to blog every day to write down his daily experiences as well as mine as a mom. Just too bad eventually yahoo has stopped the blog service completely.
You're now over four months old. With your brother, I was very much involved in reading each expected development every week, hoping to check mark what he could do out of those lists. With you, I'm less conscious about this, and have been more involved in how to get you drinking well, and how to make you a happier baby and minimize any discomfort or pain from your silent reflux. We have been battling together on this all this time together. We have seen numerous doctors and nurses. What I notice myself though is that I've become more confident and secure of myself than I was when I was a mom for the first time with your brother. So you definitely has benefited from that, for being my second child.
Yet I do realize it is also nice to put more focus on other things, like your development. Things you're learning each day.
You have not only found your voice, you've been more chatty these days.
You can not only smile but also laugh with laughing sounds.
You have not only found your hands and your arms, but you've also figured out by scratching with your fingers onto certain surfaces, you will get different sounds.
You have been able to roll from your belly to your back, but that is probably you didn't enjoy being put onto your belly. I've read mixed information about whether to train a baby by putting the baby often onto the belly. So now I just see how you are each day, see if you would fancy that.
You have been drinking slightly better after you stopped the medication. Just that unfortunately after we have a pH test done on you, the doctors say you should still be back on medication to lower your stomach acid level. We hope we now have got the right suitable medicine for you, so that you will stay being a happy baby.
You have started with solid food, namely pear which you didn't seem to appreciate, parsnip which you initially liked but seem to start having problems with, brown beans which your papa is proud of when you start passing gas, cauliflower that you dislike, and carrots with apple which you seem to enjoy. I don't always give you solid food as sometimes when you don't drink well at the daycare, then I will give you a bottle instead of any solid food since at your age, bottle is still the best feeding for you for now.
You started splashing the water with your arms and legs when you're taking a bath. You probably are amused by the reaction mama and papa make when we get wet.
Everyday is a new day for us all. Some days you give us a hard time at night, and then some days you amaze us by letting us sleeping in a bit. No matter what, I still love you to the moon, even sometimes I'm still learning how to be more patient. Yet, I think this time being a mom, I've been given by God the opportunity to learn being a better person as well as a better mom.

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