Instead of just telling everyone how I have been struggling with Sami's silent reflux and feeding issues, let me put something positive now on here.

Last Friday, I called the pediatrician as I was at my wit end on how to handle her silent reflux, which causes feeding issues as well as sleep deprivation. He then prescribed us this formula which is "anti-reflux". What it does is that when the milk gets to her stomach, it will use the stomach acid that she has got, and the milk will be thickened in her stomach to avoid spitting up. It's advised not to use any medication and sometimes it's used to wean off the medication for some cases. Now in our case, the pediatrician also agreed that it may not be wise to try another medicine since we had tried 3 and she only got more miserable from them. Unfortunately, the pharmacy in our village didn't have it in stock, so we had to wait till Monday.
On Monday, Sami refused to the bottle at the daycare, so they fed her porridge by mixing her milk with rice cereal, as a desperate measure so that at least she had eaten something. So on Monday after work, I immediately rushed to pick this up. We started giving it to her on Monday evening after her bath. She took the whole bottle without fussing. I didn't dare to declare victory just yet, and the midnight bottle didn't go as well as the previous one. She fussed and it could be because she was woken up by us and we also noticed that the milk is still somewhat thicker than the normal formula she had. So down to trying out which size of teat she would need then.
On Tuesday morning, she took the bottle very well from Papa which was uncommon. Papa tried also using Stand III instead of Stand II, which is slight bigger, and she pretty much finished her bottle. At the daycare, she also took her bottles again.
Today is Wednesday, and she even took 180cc in without fussing at all in the morning while normally her morning bottle had always been a battle. And when she burps, she only has a normal small burp, unlike those major loud burps which you would expect from an adult man after their beer or so. Probably because of the milk staying in her stomach, so when she burps, she doesn't get the stomach acid coming back up which was painful to her in the past. After her bottle, she was chatting and laughing happily. Yes, I've actually got a happy camper in the house again!!!!

To a lot of reflux babies' mommies, we often feel depressed when our babies don't eat or don't sleep, or don't do both of these essential things. Our mood is always depending on how much our little ones has drank, or how often we have to get up at night. I know it's crazy, but we can't help that.
We sometimes even joke about putting our babies on ebay, marktplaats (in Holland), or any other selling stuff sites, to rent out or lease our babies. And those people who rent them can bring our babies back when they are reflux-free!
During the last few months, I've got to know quite a few moms around the globe who are dealing with similar issues as we are. And it's really amazing how much we understand each other even when we share thoughts that may sound so alien to others including moms with babies without reflux. Even though we cannot always help each other, but the understanding already makes a world of difference.
Again, I want to thank those who have been sending their love and care to us during this tough period, especially those who even offered to help. This means a lot to us! Now let's hope the peace stays with us, so that we can enjoy our family time more.
Coming Friday, Sami will be going to our trustful nanny for two nights stay-over. Yes, I'm so darn lucky to have such nanny. I will then spend some time with Julian, as I hardly spent time with him during this summer vacation, and Friday will be his last day of vacation. I asked him what he would like to do, and he asked to go for a movie, so we will do that then. My hubby is looking forward to getting a relaxation massage, so let's also have that done. And on Saturday, we will go out for dinner with my family as it's my dad's birthday. Some people may not agree with me not bringing our little girl out as well, but it's just no fun to her to stay out late. I'm really looking forward to this weekend, and it's not because I won't have Sami with me, but it's because we can take a mini-break while I know Sami will be in good hands plus her getting better gives me a good feeling about this.
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