Sami is my second child, and yes, I sometimes do compare her with Julian, my first. Not that I'm saying having got two kids makes me an expert in kids. Yet, I often felt it was not right with how Sami was behaving in the first 10 months. Yes, kids are more often sick than adults, and definitely if they go to the daycare where all the bacteria and germs are being happily shared by kids there. After we went through the recent small surgery (her nose tonsils being removed, and ears being punctured), she became a different child.
I used to feel like a clown trying to get her fed in the past, and now feeding isn't such a big topic anymore on the table. She gets very curious also of what we are eating, and would always like to have a bit of what we are having.
She had been struggling so much in her first 10 months that she didn't enjoy tummy time or hardly played in the playpen which we got her and ended up selling as it was just a piece of furniture instead. Because of that, she hardly could sit on her own without support, nor could she crawl. Even though I know all kids develop in different paces, I know she was on the late starter part. My hubby didn't seem to worry as he had no other child to compare with, and every step she takes, to him it seems fast. Anyway, after having seen a good physiotherapist, she had proven her curiosity will definitely get her where she needs to be. She has got all the conditions she needs to get her exploring her world further.
The last 1-2 weeks, we really have noticed her developing. Her sitting up in her bed when she objects being put in bed, her objections against us walking away from her, her playing with anything that is not classified as baby toys, her putting items into her mouth that are not known as food to me, etc. She definitely is keeping us busy, but I'm full of joy and am very proud of her now that I'm finally seeing these happening.
Not all moms would fully understand what I'm referring to unless you've dealt with a child with reflux or any other illness. You secretly are jealous of seeing other moms with kids that are developing according to the books. You wish you could look so nice and neat when you get out there, with decent make up on, instead of dark eye shadows not done by make-up but contributed by the little sleep you get. You wish you could join one of those play dates that you thought you would be joining each time. You wish you could be out for fun with your kids.
And with all little positive steps that you notice, at a certain point, you don't dare to say it out loud, as when you get steps back right after, you feel you've just jinxed it yourself by having done so. Or when you finally managed to arrange having time for yourself or with your hubby, then coming back makes it also harder. Especially when they are unwell, you feel you're being punished for having had good times.
At the moment, Sami is still on her reflux medication. We just don't dare to take her off just yet. Weaning her off meds has been a topic we talk about frequently, and whenever we set a "date" to do so, she somehow would show signs as if to say she is just not yet ready for that. I am now hoping we can put the word "reflux" off her once she turns 1.
Good night sleep is still optional these days, but at least I'm hopeful. Okay, don't ask me when I've had a few bad nights in a row, although I'm amazed by how little sleep I can go by to still function as a human being. Just that I wonder if the additional amount of grey hair I find myself having is a signal.

My kungfu girl!

Exploring her world

Picking her wine for dinner?

Maru, our cat, is also getting used to having Sami around.
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